Materials of the Universe faculty, staff and students conduct research across a wide variety of Earth, space and materials science topics, such as:

  • Materials for space exploration and remote sensing.
  • Energy and resources on Earth and in extraterrestrial environments.
  • Mineral-organic interactions and evolution.
  • Materials under extreme conditions — heat, cold, high pressure, low pressure, etc.
  • New materials discovery.
  • Materials of the solar system, meteorites, asteroids and exoplanets.
  • Energy storage and conversion.
  • Nanomaterials and quantum dots.

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MotU joint publications

MotU faculty and researchers are regularly published in major research journals. Explore some of our notable publications.

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FORCE (Facility for Open Research in a Compressed Environment) has been funded by the National Science Foundation to establish a national high-pressure user facility at Arizona State University.